| DR. JANAKI R.R. ALAVALAPATI Department of Forest Resource Economics and Policy, University of Florida
Dr. Alavalapati has two masters degrees (Botany and Forestry) from India and a masters in Rural Sociology and a PhD in Forest Resource Economics from Canada. He explores market solutions to natural resources, environmental, and energy conservation problems at local, regional, national, and international level. Before joining the University of Florida, he served as a forest officer in India; a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta; and a Resource Economist at the Canadian Forest Service. Dr. Alavalapati was a consultant to the Forest Management Trust and Chemonics International, Inc. (USA) and the International Institute for Environment and Development (UK).Dr. Alavalapati has published over 150 books, book chapters, and refereed and non-refereed articles. Currently he is the Director of Conserved Forest Ecosystems: Outreach and Research, the elected chair of Economics, Policy, and Law Working Group of the Society of American Foresters, and a member of the Editorial Board of Forest Policy and Economics. Dr. Alavalapati’s awards and honors include Indian Forester Prize, Canadian International Development Agency Fellowship, T.W. Manning prize (Canada), IFAS/UF Graduate Teacher/Advisor of 2003-2004, Stephen Spurr Award by the Florida Division of the Society of American Foresters, and University of Florida Research Foundation Professorship. State Department Profile Dr. Alavalapati served as Senior Advisor for International Energy Affairs within the Office of the Special Advisor for Energy to the Secretary of State, where he helped develop and expand a series of bilateral, multilateral, and interagency renewable energy initiatives. He attended and contributed to a number of high-level meetings as a member of the U.S. delegation, including the World Food Security: The Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy conference in Rome, U.S.-Brazil bilateral biofuels discussions, the Global Bioenergy Partnership and International Biofuels Forum, and the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference. Dr. Alavalapati was directly involved in recruiting and working with experts for the Market Adoption and Deployment (MAD) themes for the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference. He also delivered a series of science based sustainable bioenergy lectures to international NGOs, U.S. government agencies, and private sector organizations.